GJSMS Computer Labs:
Library Lab (Capacity 36)
Library Mini Lab (Capacity 18) - May be used in combination with Library Area B for research.
Lab 59 (Capacity 35)
Mini Lab 22 (Capacity 15) - Primarily for Special Ed classes or small pull-out groups
Science Mobile Laptop Lab (12 laptops & wireless access point)
Mobile Netbook Lab (24 mini netbooks & wireless access point)
- Student Privacy Restrictions Available on the Shared drive in Library Media Center & Computer Labs > Computer Lab Resources > Student Privacy Restrictions. You must check these before having students use computers, publishing or announcing students' full names, or publishing student work in any format!
- Students with a No Telecommunications restriction may NOT use school computers for any reason. You must provide an alternative assignment for these students when using computers with your classes.
- If you think a parent has unintentionally restricted a student's access to computers in school, send a new Parental Opt Out Form home with the student, asking them NOT to check the Telecommunications restriction. Parents must complete a new BCPS Opt-Out Form in order to change a student's Privacy Restrictions. Give the revised form to Sherry in the Guidance Office.
- You may not publish a student's full (first and last) name if they have a Do Not Share Information of any kind restriction.
- You may not photograph or videotape a student with a Do Not Photograph restriction.
- You may not publish student work in any format if the student has an Intellectual Property restriction.
- Student Computer ID Card - Students must have these in their binders at all times. If a student lost this sheet, please print one out and look up the student's account information on the Shared drive in Library Media Center & Computer Labs > Computer Lab Resources > Student Computer ID's.
- DO NOT project Student Computer ID's on screen as these are confidential!
- Audio Headsets & Microphones:
- Students will be informed at Library/Tech Orientation that they should keep a set of earbuds in the plastic page protector with their Computer ID Card. Earbuds are available for purchase for $1.25 or $2 at the School Store.
- A few sets of computer headphones in special (headlice-killing) bags will be available in a crate in each Computer Lab for students to borrow if they don't have earbuds. Please ensure that these are intact and sealed back in the bags when returned to the crate at the end of the period.
- Microphone Headsets for audio-recording may be reserved on the Shared drive in Tech Resources > Equipment Reservations.
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