Uploading Grade Reports

I.  Uploading Grade Reports from EGP Web to EdLine: Term 2 (follow directions below)

II. EdLine Grade Reporting Term 3 & 4




Uploading grades can be done in three easy steps.  For those of you with young children or grandchildren…think Secret Agent Oso.  If you aren’t hip to 4-year old entertainment take a sec to watch this cartoon intro – oh yeahhh! 


Step 1

Go to the File Menu and select Internet/Edline (Make sure that you are in a term 2 class, otherwise it will post term 1 grades)



Step 2

Under Action: select Upload Reports to Edline

For: select All students in Term 2



Step 3

Select Upload in the bottom right corner.



And there you have it…an opportunity for parents and students to see how they are doing without emailing you for a grade report…..yahoo!




EdLine Grade Reporting Term 3 & 4