
Tech PD November 5

Page history last edited by Kelly Ray 12 years, 3 months ago

GJSMS Technology Integration Professional Development
Presented by the GJSMS Technology Committee
November 5, 2012 @ 9:45-11:15 AM



Teachers:  REGISTER for one of these sessions
on the Shared drive > Tech Resources > Tech Professional Development 


Web 2.0 Sampler
Library Lab
Jamie Higgins, Kate Kastner, & Vaughn Platt

  • MakeBeliefsComix is an innovative tool for fostering student literacy and writing. Students create their own comic strips by selecting fun characters and writing words inside blank talk and thought balloons. They can also find story ideas and writing prompts to help them craft graphic stories. Use this tool to introduce lesson topics or assess content learning, and to facilitate self-expression, writing, storytelling, and computer literacy.

  • With Wordle and Tagxedo, you and your students can create word clouds to analyze text, visually display main ideas and key vocabulary, share ideas, reinforce concepts, and more.

  • Energize your assessments with Quiz Star, a Web-based quiz-maker that enables you to create, administer and automatically grade your quizzes online.

ELMO – Not Just a Glorified Overhead Projector 
Room 19

Steve Barth


Are you using your ELMO? Great!  Are you getting the greatest benefit from your ELMO by using the ImageMate software?  If your answer is “No,” then you need to know more about the functionality of the ImageMate software already installed on your computer.  You’ll learn how capture images and live video from ELMO, edit and save those pics and vids, and a few methods for publicizing and using your new media!

What’s Next with ActivExpressions?  
Room 26
David Hong, Heather Karwacki, and Lindsay Rattet

*ONLY for teachers who participated in our school-based ActivExpressions workshop or have received similar training on their own.

SO, you got some training on how to use ActivInspire and you can make a flipchart with questions for the ActivExpression devices. Now what? In this follow-up session, let the pros walk you through the process of implementing a lesson integrating ActivInspire with ActivExpressions, from start to finish! See a live demo and try it yourself!

Get the Scoop on New Media Resources
Library Mini Lab
Kelly Ray & Mary Ellen Sittner


  • eBooks are here! See the eBooks currently available in our school Library collection through Destiny, and via the Gale Virtual Reference Library, ASCD Education Book Shelf, and TumbleBooks Cloud databases. Find out how to access and use these e-Books for your professional learning and to promote student reading and research.

  • Bring the world to your classroom with NBC Learn, our newest BCPS-licensed database. NBC News offers unique collections of standards-aligned videos, primary sources, historic footage, current events, mini-documentaries, images, and text designed for use in the K-12 classroom. Resources for all content areas!

  • SAFARI Montage is NOT just for videos anymore! Share and manage curriculum resources and teacher-created documents, PowerPoint presentations, videos, and more on our school’s SAFARI Montage network. Create playlists including Safari Montage videos and your own lesson materials. Safari Montage is now accessible to both teachers AND students from school or home, and there’s also an iPad app!

  • Are you an ethical user of media in your own teaching practice? Do you teach students to comply with copyright laws when they create and publish media? Do you know where to find copyright-friendly media resources for presentations and publications? Get the scoop on the newly-revised BCPS Copyright Policy and Procedures, so that both you and your students can use media resources ethically and responsibly!



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