
Library Usage

Page history last edited by anna conner 10 years, 10 months ago


Library Hours and Policies:

  • the Library is open daily between 8:00am and 3:10pm.
  • the Library is open late on Wednesdays until 4pm.  Students must have a returned Library after-school permission slip on file in the library to take advantage of this.   The permission slips are available in the library.



  • Sign up for library time via Shared drive->Library Media Center and Computer Labs->Library_Reservations.  Make sure you denote an area selection using the codes provided at the top of the spreadsheet.  Also, please insert a comment next to your name detailing your lesson objective.
  • Do not attempt to sign up for the library or labs if the document is already open (read-only format).  Wait until the user has closed it.
  • If you have a sub and have signed up for library or library lab time, you must reschedule.  Teachers must be present with their classes in all of the computer labs and in the library.
  • Teachers should NEVER leave students unattended in the library or computer labs. (see Rule 4100: VIII. Supervision of Students  A. Teachers are responsible for the conduct and safety of students who are assigned to their classrooms, as well as ensuring that these students are supervised at all times during the regular school day. Teachers shall ensure that students are not left unattended and shall be responsible for providing adequate supervision during his/her absence from the classroom.)
  • The labs are expected to be kept in an orderly and fully functioning condition.  YOU are responsible for checking each computer at the end of your session.  You must also maintain lab seating charts to maintain student accountability.  If you notice a problem with a computer, please report it to Ms. Conner as soon as you can.
  • No food, drinks, or gum are permitted in the library or any of the computer labs.  Teachers are expected to uphold library and lab rules. 


Printing/ Student Work

  • Set guidelines for how many images a student may print for an assignment and HOW they need to print them.
  • Students may print one page of images from Microsoft Word: students should find images from a free source (Wikipedia) or from a BCPS database when possible, copy the image, and then paste into a MW document page. They may print one document page, and can print as many images that fit onto that one page.  


Teaching Citation

  • Every lesson that you teach that requires research or image usage should also require your students to provide source citation.  If you need information on how to do that, please see Ms. Conner.  Ms. Conner will gladly help you teach that lesson and provide you and your students with the information you need to be successful.      




  • Ms. Conner is available to assist with lesson planning.  If you have an idea for a research lesson, need ideas, or need resources for an upcoming lesson, please schedule time with Ms. Conner at least a week before you intend to teach the lesson.   




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